Ok, this is a weird video- yet strangely compelling...
Bluetooth Nirvana
It wasn't easy; the Treo 700p does not support A2DP natively, so I had to install a trial of Softick Audio Gateway. Unfortunately, this program doesn't yet support the Treo 700p. The current version (1.06) does not work at all, but a prior version (1.03) seems to work!
I updated my music player to the newest version of Pocket Tunes and it plays all of the songs I put on my memory card- but it looks like the way that Media Player 11 organizes the songs (in separate folders for artists and album) make is very hard to generate a play list in pTunes (it doesn't seem to be able to scan sub-directories)- I will have to see if there is a way to setup the sync options in Media Player...
I setup the headphones as a trusted device (passcode is '0000' and I guess this is a common use as I could not find it documented on Logitech's web site) and configured it in Audio Gateway. I fired up pTunes and it works!
It does appear that if I turn off the headphones without manually changing the output location of Audio Gateway back to internal, it will manually reset back when the headphones disappear, but I have to hard reset the Treo to get it to work again!
BT Headphones

The headphones are pretty comfortable and sound very good- which is a pleasant surprise as I heard that there is a lot of compression with Bluetooth. Range is about 20' inside the office- past that it starts 'skipping' a bit. The headphone charge is supposed to last up to 8 hours (!).
This adds two more things that I need to recharge to my gadget list- the headphones and the 3.5mm to Bluetooth adapter.
I was able to pair the headphones with my Treo 700p and get A2DP audio to work with the addition of Softik's Audio Gateway software. Note: I had to download the older 1.03 version as 1.06 does not work correctly with the Treo 700p.
I now need to load some music (hopefully via a sync from Windows Media Player 11) on my 4GB SD card (and upgrade the basic version of PocketTunes on the phone) and I may be able to replace my iPod for the gym! (I also need to fugue out a way to download and install the most recent PodCasts...)
M3 Adaptor Fun
I will definatly bet getting a M3 lite adaptor next pay cycle- if I have anything left over after payign for the Polar S725X watch I bought on eBay... Now the choice is Perfect or Pro (GBA or not GBA)?
Some links I will probably be using for a bit with this guy:
M3 Adapter Home Page
M3 Forums
M3 Wiki
M3 Wikipedia Page (with updates by me!)
Moonshell Page
Internets Wanderings
I checked the M3 Adapter site and I found links to some new themes for the M3 and all kinds of neat stuff in the M3 Forums. (Now I need to remember the directory structure on the M3 for themes!). I also found a DS Linux site- but I was unable to find anything on the new M3 Lite Pro on their site. I decided to send them an email to inquire on the differences. Since I did not want to send an email to a 'pirate hardware company' from any my personal e-mail addresses, I setup a new account on Yahoo! mail (broo98 was the next available 'Broo' address that I found).
While on the Yahoo mail page, I noticed an notice of how to setup Yahoo! email to my Blackberry. This reminded me to search for the v4.2 firmware for the 8700c. No luck, but I did find some cool blackberry themes for the 8700c linked from the Blackberry Forums.
To install these themes, I need the desktop software- and I would like the new 4.2 version as it has a lot of features (that I cannot use without the new firmware!) so I started searching and found the Blackberry FAQ Wiki with all kinds of info. I eventually found the software several layers under the Blackberry 8100 info page.
So now: I am updating the theme on my M3 Adapter and installing Blackberry Desktop 4.2 to install some new themes on my 8700c; strange how all of this started with a single email...
Update: I received a response from M3 Adapter within 15 minutes of my inquiry -and it looks like the difference is the Pro does not support GBA games over 32Mb (were Perfect support all GBA Games); so the Pro is more of a NDS games only where the Perfect is a NDS/GBA setup. (Actually, I checked the news on Divineo.cn and found the information I needed after all of this- lol!)
It was 10:17 pm when Danny from M3 responded; those people work late!
Wow- A radar gun for kids...
I remember when the police used to use these... back before the days of lasers and radar detectors.
Didn't they stop using these when they discoverd a link between prostate cancer and the troopers holding the guns held between their legs (when not pointing it out the window)? Great- so let's sell them to kids now!
Mario and Lugi
GPS Tracking on a Treo
I wonder how long I could keep GPS records of my trips before I run out of space? (or would my phone die and need to be replaced first!)
Cool Clock!
A really neat clock at Traders in East Atlanta- but where the heck would I put something like this?
Now how the Hell do I get Flickr to auto-post this stuff to my Blogger account?!?
New Bike!
I finally broke down and bought a new bike on Saturday; but I will need to do a little work with it before it is ready to ride again.
It was only $100 at Target (+ $20 for the speedometer; possibly soon to be replaced by a Polar S150)
It is amazing how much certain muscles can be completly out of shape when the rest of you feels pretty good... I learned pretty quickly that my quadraceps have not been used nearly as much from my jogging as they need to be used in bicycling- lol!

I actually began looking for this as Ellen Muth (from Dead Like Me) said that was one of the shows she watched during an interview at DragonCon; so I started searching the newsgroups (with no initial luck). I eneded up finding them via BitTorrent and downloading all of the episodes- and I started to watch... Around episode 4 or 5 I realized that these are completely awesome!
I tried a few times to make a cool DVD and convert the DivX files to standard MPG2 (DVD format), but I was unimpressed with the final product (but I made some really cool menus with Ulead DVD Movie Factory 5)- so I purchased the (last copy of the) DVD set at BestBuy on Thursday. (See- file sharing does pay off for the artist!)
I found the title track "I Wonder Why the Wonderfalls" by Andy Partridge on a "joss is a hottie" webiste (I think referring to Joss Whedon)- and it is a fairly addictive song that I started playing on continueous repeat at work on Wednesday... :o)
(I have also ordered the "Boom Boom Ba" track by Metisse from their website - a song from the 'sister' show Dead Like Me )