
Spirit Jailbreak for 3.1.3 iPhone/3.2 iPad

Just released; Spirit Jailbreak for the iPad and latest iPhone OS.


Note: Before running this program, be sure to backup your SHSH blobs.  Nothing should happen, but it is better to be safe and have them- just in case!

I will focus on the iPad jailbreak as my iPhone is still jailbroken at 3.1.2 and I have seen no reason to upgrade.

Download the Spirit program, connect your iPad/iPhone to the PC via USB cable.

Either wait for the device to sync to iTunes or cancel the sync. 

Run the Spirit program and click ‘Jailbreak’


In a few seconds, you should see a ‘Restore in Process’ message on the iPad screen, a ‘Jailbreak succeeded!’ message in Spirit.


The device will reboot.

On reboot you will see a multi-color screen and a progress bar.  After this is done, the iPad will return to normal- but now with a Cydia icon:


There is an updated version of Cydia to fit the larger screen of the iPad:

Cydia on iPad

If get an error code c000005 (which I was under Windows 7 x64) when trying to use jailbreak, the Spirit site indicates that the program should be run in Windows 98 compatibility mode:

Spirit Compatability Mode

Make sure to change the default root password on your jailbroken device! Instructions can be found on the Cydia main screen under ‘Root Password How-To’. (Note: The current iPhone ‘Terminal’ program does not run on the iPad; I am sure and updated version is soon to be released).

Now I am just waiting for an updated Winterboard for 3.2!  :)

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