
I need a new job...

I got home from work- late as normal, but I was waiting for traffic and working on re-writing the Dragon Warrior IV walk-through (yea, for old NES but on JNESTER for PSP).  I finally got to bed at a 1/2 way decent hour so I can get up and go to the gym in the morning and then my phone rings... and the Nextel alert goes off... and someone is trying to PTT me (luckily the last three are on silent).  It is one of my managers and he wants me to come in to baby sit a customer's server as one of their backup servers is down.  I complain how useless it is and head in- it takes me about 15 minutes to get there.

I am the first one there; followed by the CTO of our office.  The on-call WinOp is at our second data center fixing the downed server.  Later we get a member of the NetEnginners, the DBAs, the Imps, Development and a technical architect- all because our CTO wanted to do a little hand holding with our customer to give them a warm fuzzy feeling that we were taking care of them... as they have been down several times in the past several months.

I stayed until 2:00am looking at logs and really doing nothing save a chronology of the nights events via email.

This is not the first time that this has happened and this is pretty much the norm when I am the on-call winop.  I realized in the shower this morning that I have lost control of my personal life: I cannot decide when I sleep, exercise or do other things to take care of myself. 

I need to find a new job that I can leave at the office when the day is done. I need to figure out what the minimum amount of Income I can make and still pay the bills and be above the poverty line.

This page was just a personal rant that I will look back on in several years and see how much better/worse my life was... :o)

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